One of the characteristics of the peach plantation in Jarinu by the Parise Brothers is the use of the irrigation system by microaspersion. But do you know what this system is?
This system only developed due to the scarcity of water. Its operation consists of applying water in only part of the area, thus reducing the surface of the soil that is wet, exposed to losses by evaporation. With this, the application efficiency is much higher and the water consumption is lower.
Among its basic characteristics we can list:
Concentration in the irrigation interval only in the place that the development of the crop is expected, being unnecessary the application in corridors and nonproductive areas.
Ideal solution for application in orchards, greenhouses and protected crops.
Use of microspeakers, sprayers and nebulizers.
So, thinking about the rational use of water, this is one of the fundamental reasons for the Peach planting and cultivation by the Parise brothers.