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Scientific name: Annona cherimola Mill x Annona squamosa L.

Popular name: Sweetsop.

Botanical Family: Annonaceae.

It is a typical table fruit, for natural consumption. It’s nutritional value is high in sugar, but this fruit’s appeal and quality are due to it’s aroma and taste, which are given by the organic acids lipids, phenols and volatile constituents, specially esters.


It’s consumption is natural, due to the excellent taste of its fruits, but can also be used in juices, sweets and ice creams, mousse and mixed with other fruits. It has high sugar value, low acid and its aroma is attractive, however the fruit must be harvested at the right point otherwise it presents low quality after the harvest.


The fruit has a less acid taste and the white pulp is less solid than the Custard Apple, it also has less seeds. As it is commercialised after the production period of the Custard Apple, already known and appreciated by consumers, the Sweetsop has come to add to the commercialization of the anonaceous.

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Nutricional Value

contents in 100g of fruit

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Minerals – calcium (17-23 mg/100g), magnesium (25 mg/100g), phosphor (23 mg/100g), potassium (250-300 mg/100g) and iron (0,3 mg/100g).

Vitamins – C (10,1 mg/100g), niacin (0,8-1,58 mg/100g), thiamine or B1 and thiamine or B2 (0,7 a 0,9 mg/100g) and B3 (0,8 mg/100g).

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