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Scientific name: Prunus persica L. Batsh

Popular name: Peach.

Botanical family: Rosaceae.

The peach originates from china, being one of the first fruits introduced in Brazil by the Portuguese. It has only been grown with commercial purposes since the 20th century, with the achievement and introduction of varieties adapted for our country, which shows the importance of the agricultural research.


It is currently produced in the states of São Paulo, Santa Catarina, Minas Gerais and Rio Grande do Sul, the largest national producer.


The industry consumes up to 43% of the output and the natural market the remaining 53%. It is one of the temperate climate fruits  with most importance in the country. The commercialised peach has many varieties with high quality and some with a good post-harvest conversion. Its fruit, of the drupe type, has a core, or seed, varying its size, shape, colour and type.


The production season of the national varieties is from September until February.

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Nutricional Value

contents in 100g of fruit

Minerals – Potassium, up to 190 mg; phosphor only 15-20 mg; cálcio, 6 mg; iron, 0,2 mg; e magnesium, 9,7 mg. Vitamins – Has a low to medium content of vitamin C, with 6 mg, and high of vitamin A, up to 375 UI. 40 mcg of thiamine (B1); 65 mcg of riboflavin (B2); 0,95 mg of niacin (B3); 0,06 mg of vitamin E ; and 2,62 mg of vitamin K.

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